Marketing Virtual Assistant
Social media management
Update and manage your Social Media Platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and more
Engage directly with your prospects on all your social media platforms with engaging content that your users will want to read and share
Grow your social media audience through content, engagements and follow backs.
Custom content creation
Custom content curation, gathering and creating engaging content your audience will want to engage with
Create new custom blog posts based on keyword research
Create custom and engaging posts/tweets
email marketing
Setup email marketing campaign
Add on opt-in widget on your site for your email
Manager your newsletter and blog
PPC/Social media online marketing
Pay-per-click Google advertising campaign
Social Media paid ads campaign
Keyword research and A/B Testing
video production/editing
Edit your videos for YouTube, Social Media and your website
Transcription of your audio and video files for your website, blog, and internal records
PowerPoint presentation creation
Posting Service
Craigslist Posting
Create print assets like flyers, business cards and more
Create direct mailcampaign assets
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