TaskBullet Enterprise (BPO)
Plans & Pricing
Qualify for special Enterprise rates just by maintaining 3 or more full-time VAs.


$6.50 /hr

Billed monthly, minimum of 3 full-time remote employees.

Contact Us

Use TaskBullet Enterprise (BPO) and reap the benefits.


You have the power to get even more from your remote employees. If you want to give bonuses and pay rate increases to further incentivize performances and reward greater responsibility, go for it.

Cancel Anytime

Breathe easy, you’re not tied into any long-term contracts with us. It’s all about flexibility. With a simple 30-day notice, you can downsize, scale-up, pause, or cancel.

Soft Skills Training

TaskBullet VAs aren’t content with being the best—they are constantly driven to be even better. Our ongoing soft skills training ensures our VAs are always growing their skills so they can wow you even more.


We have the experience and the resources to match you with the right remote worker. You tell us your needs and we’ll find the perfect person for the job. We can locate multiple qualified candidates for you to interview, or we can save you time and simply select one that we know you’ll love.


Cross payroll off your to-do list. Just pay us a flat rate and we handle everything else, including properly navigating through all the local laws and regulations of the Philippines. We even make giving optional bonuses or increased pay to your team members easy. We simply pass any extra money on to your remote worker—they get it all, we don’t take a percentage of incentives or rewards.

Human Resources

Onboarding, termination, hiring, disciplinary actions… You don’t have to worry about or deal with any of that stuff. We ensure our tried-and-true TaskBullet policies and procedures will be adhered to and that your remote workers are always on time, present and ready to do great things. And when other issues pop up like demands or grievances, we take care of those, too.


There are many things that set TaskBullet apart from the competition, but at the top of the list is our culture. It’s important to us and it always leads the way. Our core values are Growth, Accountability, Teamwork, Excellence and Service—or what we like to call, the G.A.T.E.S. In order for a potential employee to work at TaskBullet (and work for you), they must pass through the G.A.T.E.S. Our company culture is driven by a shared desire to be better today than we were yesterday, and these essential core values help us achieve our goal.

Don’t keep a brighter future for your company on hold.

Schedule a call now so we can start building your team while you focus on growing your business.