TaskBullet Terms of Service

TaskBullet - Terms of Service Agreement

Please take the time to read this entire Agreement Contract. By engaging with TaskBullet, you expressly agree to the following standard terms and conditions: In this Agreement, the party who is contracting to receive the services shall be referred to as the “Client”, and TaskBullet, who will be providing the services, shall be referred to as the “Service Provider”.

VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS: The Service Provider will utilize the services of Virtual Assistants. All Virtual Assistants hired by the Service Provider to assist in performing the tasks and duties shall be the responsibility of the Service Provider unless specifically indicated otherwise in an agreement signed by all parties.


1.1 The Service Provider will provide Virtual Assistants that will offer services including but not limited to:

  • Marketing

  • Billing and Invoicing

  • Research & data entry

  • Calendar and appointment management

  • Website management

  • Email management

  • Other administrative duties that may arise

1.2 Services may vary depending on the Client’s needs and the Virtual Assistant's abilities. 1.3 Client agrees to give detailed instructions to Virtual Assistants to complete each task. 1.4 Client understands that some tasks may be outside of the Virtual Assistant's abilities. 1.5 Individual Virtual Assistants will work a maximum of 160 hours per month to execute services, as delegated by the Client.

CONTINGENCY FOR MAJOR POWER OR INTERNET OUTAGES: In the event of a major power or internet outage affecting more than 25% of our staff for a duration exceeding 7 days, the following measures shall apply:

  • The expiration date of pre-purchased hours or service packages will be extended by an equivalent duration to the outage.

  • All refund processes will be temporarily placed on hold during the outage.

  • The original dates for processing refunds will remain unchanged.

  • The classification of an event as a 'major outage' will be at the sole discretion of TaskBullet.


Bucket System: Client shall have 90 days to use the purchased hours. The Service Provider will provide the Client a 60-day trial period beginning on the date of this agreement (the Trial), in which the Client may have the option to cancel and receive a refund on the unused hours. Refunds will be processed within 15 days of written notice. Beyond the trial period, the specifics of this agreement shall apply, unless otherwise terminated by either party as per section. Monthly subscription will move the original hour's expiration date back one month. If the Client adds an Hours Protection Plan after the purchase of hours, the expiration date will revert one month from the purchase date. The Client shall be solely responsible for the payment of the Charges. All Charges shall be exclusive of VAT, which The Service Provider shall add to its invoices at the appropriate rate. The Client shall pay the total Charges to The Service Provider in advance by credit or debit card or via PayPal without deduction or set-off. The Monthly Subscription Charge shall be payable on the Bill Day of each month. The parties agree that The Service Provider may review and increase its Charges. The Service Provider shall give the Client written notice of any such increase 30 days in advance of the proposed date of that increase. If such increase is not acceptable to the Client, it may, within 10 days of the date of such notice, terminate the agreement constituted by these Terms by giving written notice to The Service Provider. Such termination shall take effect on the next Bill Day. The Service Provider reserves the right to reduce the Client's saved hours that are over 1 year old by 2-8% annually to account for inflation. Each subsequent year, an additional reduction of 2-8% may apply. The Client will be notified of these adjustments in a timely manner. No amount of unused hours after ninety (90) days from the date of purchase will be refunded to the Client. The Client understands and accepts that the Hours Protection Plan will only protect the hours for use up to the amount that was purchased during the time that the Hours Protection Plan was active.

Full-Time and Part-Time Plans: The Full-Time and Part-Time plans do not have a money-back guarantee. No refunds will be provided for unused hours. These plans operate on a set schedule, similar to a normal employee, and the hours are used whether the Virtual Assistant is busy or not. The Full-Time plan includes 160 hours per month, and the Part-Time plan includes 80 hours per month. The Client can cancel anytime before the next auto-billing date.

TERMINATION: Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by providing written notice. Details regarding the notice period for termination and what happens to unused hours upon termination will be set out in this section.

COMPENSATION: The Service Provider will be compensated as per the pricing agreed between the parties.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Contractor and Virtual Assistants will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use for the personal benefit of Contractor and Virtual Assistants, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner, any information and treat it as strictly confidential. This provision shall continue to be effective after the termination of this agreement. Upon termination of this agreement, Contractor and Virtual Assistants will return to the Client all records, notes, documentation, and other items that were used, created, or controlled by Contractor and Virtual Assistants during the term of this Agreement.

WARRANTIES & INDEMNIFICATION: Both parties warrant and represent that they are under no disability, restriction, or prohibition, whether contractual or otherwise, with respect to their right to execute this Agreement and perform its terms and conditions. Each party agrees to and does hereby indemnify, save and hold the other party harmless from any and all loss and damage (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of, connected with or as a result of any inconsistency with, failure of, or breach by either party of any warranty, representation, agreement, promise, undertaking or covenant contained in this Agreement.

LEGAL FEES: In the event that Contractor or Client is forced to obtain an attorney to enforce the terms of this Agreement, that party shall be entitled to recover from attorney’s fees incurred in such action.

CHOICE OF LAW: The laws of the State of Utah shall govern the validity of this agreement, the construction of its terms, and the interpretation of the rights and duties of the parties hereto. The courts located in the City of Sandy, Utah shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes between Contractor and Client pertaining to this Agreement and all matters related hereto.

NON-SOLICITATION: Client acknowledges that Virtual Assistants providing services to Client from TaskBullet are or may be subject to an agreement prohibiting TaskBullet personnel from working, directly, or indirectly, for Client while employed by TaskBullet, or in the event that TaskBullet ceases or terminates their working relationship with TaskBullet. Accordingly, the Client agrees not to hire or otherwise permit services to be provided to the Client by any past or present TaskBullet personnel, directly or indirectly, during the term of their employment or thereafter for twelve (12) months from the date that the Client terminates their relationship with TaskBullet. It is acknowledged that if the Client/Financially Responsible Party breaches this obligation, TaskBullet will suffer great and irreparable injury in amounts difficult to ascertain. Therefore, Company shall be entitled to enforce the terms of this provision by filing for temporary and permanent injunction and in addition to any action for the recovery of damages sustained by the Company.

EMPLOYEE BUYOUT: If the Client would like to employ one of the Service Provider's employees, the Client must pay the Service Provider an employee buyout fee. The price to purchase an employee will range from $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 USD per employee. The exact amount and terms of this fee will be agreed upon by both parties. TaskBullet is not obligated to accept an employee buyout offer for any reason.